20th Feb 2022 – The Raincloud Returns

Charlie is back from an away trip. She’s being very difficult, in the morning she wouldn’t make plans around activities for the day.

At one point we agreed I would stay home until she had been out with Sam and then I would go out. She would not say how long she would be out with Sam but complained I could not say when I would be back with Evan. She was unable to rationalise that my return time was dependent on her return time since I could not go out until she was back. I spent most of the day avoiding Charlie.

She also is not handing over Ollies passport – we need this to complete his renewal. It’s a simple process and I have always sorted the passports before with no drama. Charlie admitted taking all the children’s passports away on her camping trip for some reason that only makes sense to Charlie.

I directly asked her twice for the passport, but she made excuses, she says she has started the passport renewal herself. But I know she hasn’t because you cannot save the renewal process half way through, plus it requires my passport number which I don’t think she knows. I am confident she is just stalling because her mind is so wound up on trying to control things that she can’t accept others even when they are doing the things she wants.

Charlie also follows me around with the children, it’s very hard to talk to them. Charlie is always there, correcting anything she doesn’t like. When I did bedtime chat with Sam, Charlie just sat in the dark in the next room trying to listen.

In the evening, after all the anxiety all day, I just want to stay away and have my space, but Charlie comes into the room and starts saying I should ‘chill’ out with her. She says as ‘husband and wife’, we should spend time together, this is Charlie who refuses to use her husbands name or let her husband have a proper relationship with the children. It’s been two days since she got back, and already she is kicking off.

Sure enough, when I ask her to leave me alone, she starts shouting, waking all the children up. Pacing around. Everything I say about how I feel, she turns around and starts talking about herself. She refuses to accept any point I say, including when I say that she always tries to disagree with me.

Eventually I manage to steer things to calm her down a bit, I explain to her that it’s not fair for her to dump her emotions onto the children and drag them out of bed every time she feels upset. That her actions are affecting others who have done nothing to deserve it. I suggest she gets professional help, but she says she will not do that. We go back around our history of moving around and falling out with different communities and she says all of that was me.

Charlie was the one who wanted to move every time before I did, but I keep that quiet – I’m trying to calm Charlie down. It’s clear that Charlie is re-writing history in her mind, she now says she wants to move again back near her family. She doesn’t accept that we lived near her family once and she didn’t cope with it then.

So Charlie starts talking about her feelings, she says she is overwhelmed. That she can’t cope by herself with 3 children. And we talk about her perhaps trying to be less controlling and let others help. It’s a useful chat, but I also know this is just the latest excuse. Charlie was difficult to handle and lived in a very negative bubble long before the children came along. I talk to her about how she’s been really successful in her career this past year, she is back in work, is slowly moving towards a job she likes and has just 1 module to go on her course. It’s good progress, but it seems like Charlie cannot recognise that and be proud of the journey she has made so far.

I know I need to get myself and the children out of this situation, but it’s so difficult – I’m looking all the time at rental or buying options in this area and there is nothing I can afford, I think Covid may have driven prices up over the past year.