Had chat to Charlie last night about going to a family assessment session. It didn’t get a positive response.
Charlie in very difficult mood all day on 30th -she’s very obstructive and hard on children.
She says she will take Sam to sports club I then she doesn’t. Then when I offer Charlie drags Sam off at the last minute.
Charlie comes back and is talking to herself about negative thoughts so everyone can here – saying she’s a hostage, spitting loudly on floor. As leave on planned trip with Ollie a pile of toys crash down the stairs behind us, there’s a very loud bang from something in the house as we get in the car.
Sam sees it all, Charlie starts announcing to the children that she will take away the pocket money I’ve been giving them since start of term. In the car Ollie starts talking about domestic violence, they were taught about it at school on Monday (white shirt day), he sees what’s going on and that is what he thinks is happening – he’s very anxious. Specifically about Charlie threatening to take her own life.
Charlie continues the whole day, being obstructive and throwing verbal insults. It’s not clear what she is doing around the house or why, just freaky behaviour moving things, including children’s things around.
Charlie is very unapproachable. I find a torn up letter from Sam’s dentist to Charlie saying Sam is due an appointment. I have no idea how I am going to make that happen.